Friday, 6 October 2017

Geometry: is the science that study different elements: shapes, lines and points.
Point: is the place where two lines intersect.
Line: is a succession of infinits points.
Ray: is a line thet only have begin.
Endpoint: is the point where starts or ends a ray or a segment line.
Midpoint:is the point that is between the endpoints.
Line segment:is a line with two endpoints.
Straight line:a line whose points follow the same direction
Plane:It's a two dimensional (height and width) surface. A plane can be defined by two paralel lines.
Lenght: measure of something from end to end.
Freehand: Draw without guiding instruments.
Compass: it's an instrument to make circles and arcs
Line/Technical drawing: is a drawing with the help of supplies.
Protactor: it's an instrument to measure or draw angles.
Eraser:it's an object used to delete something
Marker: a pen having a writing point made from pressed fibres.
Ruler: it's an instrument used to draw straight lines.
                                       DEFINITIONS ABOUT ANGLES AND LINES
Parallel: two lines that never intersect
Perpendicular: two lines that intersect forming four 90º degrees angles.
Oblique: a line that it is not parallel and perpendicular.
Angle:two lines made by two rays  sharing a common endpoint.
-Types of angles
Right: two lines intersect 90º degrees
Acute: two lines intersect less than 90º degrees.
Obtuse: two lines intersect more than 90º degrees
Complet: two lines intersect 360º degrees
Flat: two lines intersect 180ºdegrees.
Nule: 0º degrees
                                      IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS ABOUT CIRCLES
Circle: is a sucession of points at the same distance to the center
Circumference:is the line around the circle.
Center: is the point that is in the middle of the circle.
Radius:is the line between the center and the circumference
Diameter: is a line that passes through the center
Chord: a line which conects two points of the circle and never pass by the center.
Arc: a segment of a circle
Arrow:is the line that is in the middle of the chord perpendicular
Tangent: is the line that only touch one point of the circle.
Outer: when a element doesn't touch the circumference.
Inner: when a element is in the circumference.
Concentric circles: circles that have the same center but different radius.
                                     DEFINITIONS ABOUT TYPES OF POLYGONS
Star polygons:is a particular polygon case with a star shape, created out of linking together non consecutive
Inscribed polygons: they are polygons place inside circle so all the vertex
Circumscribed polygons: they are polygons sorrounding a circle, being its sides tangent to the circle.
Convex polygons: when any line pass for two points of the shape.
Non-convex polygons:when one line through the polygon but it's cut any parts.
Equiangular: all polygons that have angles, vertex and side equals.
Equilateral: all sides of edges are of same length
Regular: all theirs vertices, angles and sides are equal.
Irregular: show different angles and length for their sides.
                                                    Polygons parts
Sides: each of line segments that form a polygon.
Vertex: the points in which to sides meet.
Diagonal: segment line that conects non consecutive vertices.
Perimeter: the path around the polygon, the adition of all its sides.
Center: it is apoint equidistance from all the vertices.
                                                     THE TRIANGLE 
Triangle: it is a flat figure with three sides and three angles.
According to the sides it can be:

  • Equilateral triangle: is a triangle with sides and vertices equal
  • Isosceles triangle: is atriangle with two equal sides and angles equal.
  • Scalen triangle: is a triangle with 3 different sides.
According to the angles it can be:

  • Right triangle: is a triangle which has one right angle.
  • Obtuse triangle: is a triangle which has one angle more than 90º
  • Acute triangle: is a triangle which has three angles less than 90º
Quadrilaterals: they are polygons with four sides and four angles

                                                      STAR POLYGONS
Los polígonos estrellados se obtienen uniendo de forma constante y no consecutiva los vertices de los poligonos regulares.
Según el número de vertices que tenga el poligono no estrellado podremos obtener: ninguno, uno, o varios polígonos estrellados.
También nos podemos encontrar que existen falsas estrellas: que están formadas por varios poligonos regulares.
                                                       THE SYMMETRY
The symmetry is a quality of some shapes which some of their parts are reflections aximmetry of others
Reflection symettry: It is shape's quality which is formed by two halves facing each other with an axis in between as if both sides were mirrow images of each other.
Symmetry axis: it is a line which divides a shape into two symmetric halves.
Central symmetry: it's the reflection of an object through a point called the symmetry center.
Geometric symmetry:  it is a kind of symmetry which follows the geometric symmetry rules.
Apparent symmetry:  it's the quality of shapes or objects which show an obvious symmetry but not every point follows the geometric symmetry rules.
Symmetrical Balance: it is a way to organize parts of an image, picture or drawing.
                                    BASIC ELEMENTS OF VISUAL REPRESENTATION
Dot: it is the smallest and most simple element in art expression, it doesn't follow the same direction. It has got different qualities like size,shape and color
The dot three dimensional capacity: is when size, shapes and colours are changed.
The dot expresive capacity: the point has an unlimited capacity to represent image and to express ideas and emotions. To do so, visual effects are used.
Optical mix: is when colours are mixed with the help of the distance. Paint isn't mixed on the palette or on the painting
Line: it can be defined as a dot in movement, it has position and direction in the space.
Zigzag line and broken lines: they are formed by several fragments of straight lines with directions.
Wavy lines: they are formed by several fragments of wavy lines.
Curly lines: they hold more curves than wavy lines and show loops.
Scribble: chaotic lines that are drawn without meaning.
Hatching: it is a way of giving tones to the areas of adrawing with parallel lines in several directions.
Cross-hatching: it is way of shading areas of a drawing or surfaces with parallel lines.
Dashed (or dotted) lines: they are lines which are not continous, formed by little traces or dots.
Blurred lines: they are very soft or vanished so they are hard to see.
Simple lines:  those that are formed by only one line.
Composite lines: they are lines composed by fragments of several straight and curved lines.

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